Politics Privacy Security Technical

Miscellaneous Digital-Related Articles

First, an article from the Electronic Frontier Foundation about how the music recording industry needs to change.

Then some articles and links from Michael Geist:

Privacy Security Technical

Popular Usernames and Passwords

Cool, but a bit scary.

Privacy Security

Four Irrefutable Security Laws (Plus One)

Excellent post and commentary.

I’d like to add one more: Attacks will always get better, not worse.

Politics Privacy

Canadians Not Entitled To Lawyers In Interviews

The Supreme Court of Canada has recently ruled that people are not entitled to have a lawyer present when interviewed or questioned by police in relation to a criminal matter.

I really can’t say I get this one.  Given that authorities are under no obligation to either tell the truth during interviews, added to the fact that they can make all sorts of unfounded threats to interviewees, it becomes very difficult for an individual to protect their rights

Here is a good video on why you should never talk to the police.  Knowing a few lawyers, I can safely say that it is good advice.

I am not a fan of lawyers who get their clients off on a technicality as opposed to the merits of the case, I do believe that an individual should be able to ensure that their rights are not violated whenever dealing with the authorities.

Personal Privacy Security Technical


This is more of a post for me to throw out some interesting things I’ve come across and would like to keep track of (and am too lazy to find another place). (Fair warning – a lot of links involving Bruce Schneier)