Security Technical

Great Cryptography Quote

Here is a quote that Bruce Schneier made:

There are two types of cryptography – that which will keep secrets safe from your little sister, and that which will keep secrets safe from your government

Here is one that I came across that is a very interesting retort:

There are two types of cyptography: one that allows the Government to use brute force to break the code, and one that requires the Government to use brute force to break you.


Cool Comet Photos

These very cool photos definitely tickle the “Inner Astronomer” in me.  It just blows me away how they got the photos to begin with.

Personal Technical

10 TED Commandments

A link from my friend, Brendon:

Personal Privacy Security Technical


This is more of a post for me to throw out some interesting things I’ve come across and would like to keep track of (and am too lazy to find another place). (Fair warning – a lot of links involving Bruce Schneier)


Observing Evolution

This is very cool.  A team of researchers have observed E. Coli bacteria for over 40,000 generations and have been able to observe spontaneous, adaptive mutations (a.k.a.: evolution) of the samples.  While this doesn’t prove evolution, it is an excellent example of good science.  From what I can tell, the experiment was quite rigorous, with samples being kept from about every 500 generations or so.  As I said, very cool.